How-to: LIttle tips to make your life easier
Bend the clip up with a pair of pliers to let the wire go in & out easier.

- For temporary fence it is easier to use only the top part of the clip. Then twist the post to secure the polywire.
even works great in frozen ground

- Use a rubber dead-blow mallet to drive them into very hard, dry or frozen ground. A steel hammer will mushroom the top of the fiberglass post.
- They can even be driven into a 2x4!
- No mallet is necessary for normal soil.

- With a simple handy quiver you can string the polywire and put in the posts on the same trip.
- The posts do not get tangled up like the treadin or pig tail posts!
- Since they are made out of fiberglass, you don't have to worry about them shorting out and grounding your fence either!